Tag Archives: Lifestyle

Embarking on a weight loss regimen is a big step. Making the decision and being determined to follow through on such a life-changing course is the key to ultimate success, and there are many little things that you can do to reinforce and provide affirmation for that big decision. After speaking with your weight loss doctor in Albany about ways to lose weight, start thinking about ways that you can improve your entire environment to start living healthier. [Read more]

Following your Lap Band operation you will need to follow a number of dietary requirements in order to stay healthy and progress towards your weight loss goal. These requirements include a variety of simple habits that your weight loss surgeon will explain to you prior to your stomach banding in Columbus, and many of these habits will feel like second nature over time. However, at some point after your operation you will likely begin to travel—whether on vacation with your family or on business trips, and then you will need to transfer these habits to stay healthy on the road. [Read more]

If you are overweight or obese and are struggling to lose weight on your own, then speaking with a weight loss specialist may be one of the most beneficial steps that you can take on route to living a healthier lifestyle. All too often, general physicians do not discuss weight issues during annual checkups, even when the patient is expecting and possibly even craving the medical advice. [Read more]

Sometimes, people gain weight because they’ve gotten into bad habits. Some people mindlessly eat in front of the TV out of boredom, and others eat due to emotional stress. Just as you can develop bad eating habits, you can also develop good ones. If you are trying to lose weight in Valdosta, then the following tips may be able to help! [Read more]

Many people make losing weight harder on them than is necessary by falling into the trap of diet fads, and more often than not end up weighing more than they did before starting out. The only fool proof way to lose weight is through lifestyle changes and the development of weight loss management skills. When people rely on snake oil solutions, they never develop any of the healthy lifestyle habits that will keep their weight off long term. If you’re dangerously overweight, you may wish to get a foothold on your weight loss by seeking a weight loss surgeon in Macon. [Read more]



Do you need to lose a substantial amount of weight? These days, it seems like everyone is looking for quick results. There is a difference, however, between finding a fast paced weight loss program that offers false results and steady weight loss that increases your metabolism and weight loss momentum. Momentum keeps you going and feeds healthy, weight-loss producing habits, while giving you positive feedback. If you are looking to lose a substantial amount of weight, trying more than one weight loss method with the supervision of your local Valdosta doctor is key to building momentum. Two methods of weight loss that are available for those with a substantial amount of weight to lose include stomach banding and lifestyle modifications to increase your metabolism. [Read more]

If you have recently undergone weight reduction surgery such as a gastric bypass or a lap band procedure, you may be feeling anxious about surviving your first Thanksgiving. After all, Columbus is known for its hearty meals and big family gatherings. Spending your holiday in the embrace of your loved ones and getting through the holiday unscathed is easier if you’re prepared. Here are five tips to help you ease your way through your first Thanksgiving after bariatric surgery. [Read more]