Lifestyle & Behavior

Stress Relief World Tour

Posted: Jun 15 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Though the latest “Great Recession” may have officially ended, many Americans still face trying economic hard times and are more stressed than ever as a result. For many of us, pressures at work and home demand such large chunks of our time that we never get the chance to sit back, relax and let the burdens of our daily lives melt away. [Read more]

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Exercise Gadgets of the Future

Posted: Jun 07 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

As long as humans have gained weight, we’ve been thinking up new, unusual and often absurd ways to lose it. Because losing weight with diet and exercise can be very difficult, many of us are on the constant lookout for the next miracle weight loss cure that will provide us the most advanced technological solution for the problem of an expanding waistline. [Read more]

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Count Your Steps Away From GERD

Posted: Jun 07 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Have you ever noticed the amount of math involved in being healthy? You are counting the calories you are taking in, subtracting the calories burned off and trying to add hours to your day so you can go to the gym. Now the surgeon general wants you to count 10,000 steps every day, which adds up to how many steps you would take walking briskly for 30 minutes daily. [Read more]

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Bike to Beat Reflux

Posted: Jun 01 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

If you suffer from acid reflux in Macon, your symptoms could stem from a variety of different sources. From diet and sleep habits to body weight and stress levels, GERD might not have one specific root, but instead be caused by a variety of complexly interwoven lifestyle factors. [Read more]

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Keep Your Head Up

Posted: May 04 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Though Nisssen Fundoplication may be the most surefire way to relieve chronic symptoms from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), there are many things you can do on your own to help keep those symptoms at bay. Dr. Bagnato can provide you with dietary guidelines that will help you avoid foods that exacerbate GERD symptoms, but using other tactics like positional therapy may also help you keep heartburn at bay. [Read more]

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No Spank You

Posted: Apr 25 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Like a modernized, spandex version of the corset, undergarments called shaping underwear or control pants work to streamline your physique, squeezing in your gut by fitting tightly over it. Though this may sound like a great idea to make your stomach look firmer than it really is, control pants could have more negative effects for your body than just encouraging you to skip the gym. [Read more]


Yoga for Heartburn Relief

Posted: Apr 20 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

When many people picture the backward bending headstands that so often epitomize yoga classes, they would think that such contortions would cause more pain, not relieve it. But in fact, certain yoga poses can help to calm down the fire within your chest—especially when paired with medical treatment for acid reflux. [Read more]

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Breathing Tips for GERD

Posted: Mar 19 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Those who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD are all too familiar with the uncomfortable symptoms of frequent heartburn and acid reflux. In addition to treatment options such as fundoplication in Albany, there are a number of lifestyle solutions that can often provide relief from the discomfort of GERD. [Read more]

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Relief from Exercise Induced Heartburn

Posted: Feb 20 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Many people that suffer from frequent heartburn and indigestion feel the pain after eating certain foods or taking part in certain activities. For those that experience heartburn after exercising, the discomfort can be enough to dissuade even the biggest fitness enthusiast from strapping on their sneakers. Fundoplication in Albany can help to treat heartburn, but many people want to understand why they are experiencing so much pain. Talk with your physician to find out if any of these simple lifestyle changes can help you to find relief. [Read more]

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Lifestyle habits could reduce heartburn

Posted: Dec 16 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Heartburn is a serious problem that affects 20- 40% of the population in the western world. It can interrupt your diet and lifestyle, causing a great pain and even agony. If you are experiencing serious reflux symptoms in Albany or anywhere else, you may want to consider a few ways that lifestyle changes can improve your heart burn and lessen your symptoms. [Read more]

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