Lifestyle & Behavior

Treating Heartburn at Home

Posted: Oct 12 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

If you think you are experiencing frequent heartburn or acid reflux there is a chance that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. But what is acid reflux, and why are you experiencing it so often? [Read more]

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How to Control GERD While Travelling

Posted: Sep 21 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Everyday life can be exhausting, which is why many people enjoy taking vacations. However, even vacation can cause headaches of its own. This is especially true if you regularly experience GERD or heartburn. In order to fully enjoy your time off, heed these tips for managing heartburn while you’re away from home. [Read more]

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Acid Reflux and Exercise

Posted: Aug 22 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

People who have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) often have a burning sensation, or heartburn, in their chest as a result of acid reflux. Acid reflux happens when the stomach acid splashes upwards into the esophagus. This occurs when the lower sphincter muscles relaxes and opens, and if the sphincter muscles are damaged or weak acid reflux may become a common occurrence. [Read more]

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10 Sleeping Tips for Nighttime Heartburn

Posted: Aug 08 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Approximately four out of five people that suffer from regular Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms, have nighttime heartburn. [Read more]

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10 Lifestyle Modification Tips to Prevent GERD

Posted: Jul 28 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

A number of home remedies and lifestyle changes have been proven to help prevent Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) for thousands of people who suffer from the disease. Often, what helps relieve one person’s heartburn may not touch the burning in the chest that another person feels, so it’s important to find out what works for you. [Read more]

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Impact of Stress on GERD

Posted: Jun 27 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Stress can cause many changes in the body. It can inhibit weight loss by causing the release of a hormone called cortisol, but can also cause Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), more commonly known as heartburn. The type and level of stress can result in short term acute conditions or more prolonged episodes. Yet along with the level of stress, the type of personality can also have a bearing on how stress affects the body. [Read more]

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6 Tips to Reduce Exercise-Induced Heartburn

Posted: May 25 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

If you experience heartburn during exercise you’re not alone. If the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle is too weak or relaxed, it can trigger Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms like heartburn when you exercise. Certain foods and beverages, such as tomatoes, orange juice, coffee, chocolate, carbonated sodas, and alcohol can trigger exercise-induced heartburn.
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Stay in Motion to Avoid GERD

Posted: Feb 24 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Many of us with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), more commonly referred to as acid reflux or sometimes simply chronic heartburn, are looking for a magical solution that will make the pain and burning go away. For many heartburn sufferers, normal daily activity makes symptoms worse and more intense activity such as regular exercise is simply out of the question.
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Lifestyle Education May Reduce Heartburn and Acid Reflux Pain

Posted: Dec 17 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects up to 40% of South Georgia’s population. It is usually a chronic condition in which stomach acids comes up from the stomach and into the esophagus, commonly referred to as acid reflux.
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Don't Let Stress Make You Sick

Posted: Aug 17 in Lifestyle & Behavior by

None of us wants to feel stressed, but you may assume that it’s a necessary part of adult life. Perhaps you think that everyone has stress from work or relationships or life in general, and so you don’t spend a lot of time worrying about how to get rid of it. [Read more]

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