Diet & Reflux

Acid Reflux or Anxious Reflux?

Posted: Aug 13 in Diet & Reflux by

Stress and anxiety are the number one mental illnesses affecting Americans, and some experts argue they are the most common ailment of any kind at the moment—a statistic that is hard to argue based on the number of Americans who are stressed but haven’t sought support for the issue. Just under 20 percent of the adult population in the United States has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and over 46 million people in the U.S were given Xanax prescriptions in 2010—the leading psychiatric medication [Read more]


Hot flashes, Head Aches and Heartburn

Posted: Aug 10 in Diet & Reflux by

How to combat the symptoms of heartburn safely during pregnancy. As if the ankle swelling, back pain and nausea aren’t enough to deal with during pregnancy, many women report symptoms of severe heartburn during their second and third trimesters. Heartburn is different from acid reflux. It is a type of acid indigestion that creates a burning sensation in the esophagus that’s caused by digestive juices that backwash upwards towards the throat.
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Feeling Fruity? Low Acid Fruits for Your Heartburn Diet

Posted: Aug 03 in Diet & Reflux by

After undergoing minimally or non-invasive GERD surgery like fundoplication with Dr. John Bagnato you will get to enjoy a lot of your favorite foods again without experiencing so much pain as a result. In the meantime, you can enjoy your summer by indulging in healthy summer fruits and veggies that are low in acid content and won’t leave you under the weather for hours on end. [Read more]


No Butts about It: Quit Smoking to Relieve Heartburn

Posted: Jul 27 in Diet & Reflux by

If you are a long term tobacco user, then there is a distinct possibility that you are already dealing with chronic heartburn and GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. While treatment options like fundoplication can reverse the cause of frequent heartburn by repairing the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a lot of GERD surgeons are hesitant to perform such operations on people who use tobacco regularly. While Dr. John Bagnato might make an exception, it is time to put away the tobacco if you are serious about overcoming your heartburn. [Read more]


Navigating the Fish Market

Posted: Jun 21 in Diet & Reflux by

There are plenty of fish in the sea, but this also applies to the supermarket, causing a great deal of confusion for many consumers. As if deciding whether or not to buy organic produce isn’t complex enough, fish choices present shoppers with all kinds of questions they may not have the answers to. Should you buy farmed fish or wild caught? What exactly is mercury contamination? [Read more]

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Summer Acid Reflux Instigators

Posted: Jun 19 in Diet & Reflux by

It’s almost summer in Macon and warm weather foods are beginning to appear everywhere. These delectable summer favorites are hard to resist, but if you suffer from acid reflux you may want to think twice before indulging in summer heartburn triggers. [Read more]

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Fighting Heartburn: Can A Caveman Can Do It?

Posted: Jun 12 in Diet & Reflux by

There are a few primary treatment options for Acid Reflux. Macon residents often have the choice of long-term medicinal treatment with over the counter antacids or prescription strength PPIs, but a lot of patients are apprehensive about starting a pill regimen that has no end in sight. For those who are up for the challenge, a lot of GERD symptoms can be lessened or even eliminated with diet and lifestyle changes. [Read more]

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Caffeine vs. Acid Reflux

Posted: Jun 05 in Diet & Reflux by

If you suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal disease (GERD), your GERD surgeon may have told you about the negative effects of caffeine consumption on acid reflux symptoms. Caffeinated beverages include coffee, soft drinks and some teas, and have the potential to exacerbate your acid reflux. [Read more]


Tips for Dining Out with GERD

Posted: May 18 in Diet & Reflux by

Every once and a while, it feels good to take a break from cooking at home and dine out with friends and family at one of your favorite restaurants. However, if you suffer from severe symptoms of acid reflux or symptoms associated with GERD, dining out may be more trouble than it’s worth. Don’t confine yourself to your kitchen just yet! [Read more]

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The Gluten-Free Diet: Does it help with GERD symptoms?

Posted: May 11 in Diet & Reflux by

A big new trend in the diet world is the “gluten-free” diet, which prohibits the eating of foods like wheat, barley and rye that contain the protein gluten. Though a necessity for the gluten-allergic sufferers of a disorder called celiac disease, the gluten-free diet has caught on as another weight loss diet fad, though its potential for losing weight is still highly contested. [Read more]

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