Diet & Reflux

Heartburn and Your Diet

Posted: Oct 30 in Diet & Reflux by

For many people in Macon and Atlanta, heartburn is no stranger. The classic delicacies that make the South feel like home are often guilty of being spicy, fried and loaded with fats and oils. These foods are dangerous enough in small quantities, but many people aren’t able to hold themselves to just a bite or two. [Read more]


Step Away from the Soda

Posted: Oct 24 in Diet & Reflux by

Did you know that nearly every bottled or canned drink is acidic… by law? In 1973, the United States Congress administered a law that gave the Food and Drug Administration the power to regulate all canned or bottled goods crossing our borders. As a response to an outbreak of botulism, Title 21 specified new requirements for acidity levels in pre-packed foods and beverages. [Read more]


You Say Tomato, I Say GERD

Posted: Oct 18 in Diet & Reflux by

For many people, there are very specific foods that aggravate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Macon is home to fabulous southern cooking, but certain foods used in scrumptious Southern fare are pretty much out of the question when it comes to preventing reflux. Spicy foods, garlic, onion and coffee are all on this list of forbidden favorites, but topping the list is the unsuspecting tomato. [Read more]


You Booze, You Lose

Posted: Oct 16 in Diet & Reflux by

If you have GERD, you may have attributed your symptoms to a number of the usual suspects, like orange juice, tomato sauce, spicy chili or an oversized helping of peppermint ice cream. Fatty, spicy or acidic foods are often the culprits of reflux symptoms and sometimes get the brunt of the attention. However, if you’ve been suffering from GERD in Macon and eliminating these foods has not provided you with relief, you may want to start paying a little more attention to what you’ve been drinking than what you’ve been eating [Read more]


Drinking Tea for Acid Reflux

Posted: Sep 27 in Diet & Reflux by

For those suffering from occasional acid reflux in Macon or Atlanta, pay close attention to the liquids you consume. Caffeinated beverages and sodas can potentially worsen symptoms of acid reflux. Limiting your consumption of such beverages may help, but giving up flavorful drinks for the sake of preventing acid reflux can be tough. [Read more]


Chocolate The Sweet Price of Acid Reflux

Posted: Sep 20 in Diet & Reflux by

Our love for chocolate dates back thousands of years. For some people, chocolate is the ultimate “feel good” food—literally. Chocolate consumption is known to trigger natural opiates or “feel good” endorphins such as serotonin in the brain, but for sufferers of chronic acid reflux in Macon and Albany, chocolate may result in more harm than good. [Read more]


Portion Perfect

Posted: Aug 24 in Diet & Reflux by

If you suffer from frequent heartburn and acid reflux in Macon, then chances are you already know the perils of a large meal. Eating too much stresses the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and puts too much pressure on your stomach as it fills with food. On top of that, eating too much causes weight gain and this adds even more pressure to the LES as fat builds up around the stomach. [Read more]

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Mindful or Mayhem? It’s Time to Assess Your Eating Habits

Posted: Aug 22 in Diet & Reflux by

What did you eat for breakfast this morning? (If you can’t remember, we aren’t off to a good start). Do you tend to eat the same thing every day as you sit in traffic on your way to work? Or are you a spur of the moment eater who grabs leftovers from last night’s dinner, or whatever is in the pantry, or a pastry that strikes your fancy as you grab your morning latte? [Read more]


Eat Slow, Beat GERD

Posted: Aug 20 in Diet & Reflux by

If this sounds like you, it might be time to slow down and think about something: all that wolfing could be contributing to your GERD for Macon residents. [Read more]

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Ditching Dairy to Decrease Reflux

Posted: Aug 18 in Diet & Reflux by

Though about 14 million Americans experience the symptoms of GERD every day, each person’s symptoms are caused by different factors. This is part of what can make it difficult to manage GERD on your own in Macon—you may know a few specific foods that cause your reflux symptoms, but not every known GERD contributor will cause symptoms for you, and there may be others you haven’t yet considered. [Read more]
