Tag Archives: Heartburn Triggers



No Spank You

Posted In: Lifestyle & Behavior By Staff

Like a modernized, spandex version of the corset, undergarments called shaping underwear or control pants work to streamline your physique, squeezing in your gut by fitting tightly over it. Though this may sound like a great idea to make your stomach look firmer than it really is, control pants could have more negative effects for your body than just encouraging you to skip the gym. [Read more]

Many people that suffer from frequent heartburn and indigestion feel the pain after eating certain foods or taking part in certain activities. For those that experience heartburn after exercising, the discomfort can be enough to dissuade even the biggest fitness enthusiast from strapping on their sneakers. Fundoplication in Albany can help to treat heartburn, but many people want to understand why they are experiencing so much pain. Talk with your physician to find out if any of these simple lifestyle changes can help you to find relief. [Read more]



Acid reflux is a condition caused by the failure of the esophageal sphincter to properly close. The lack of closure allows acid to come up into the throat from the stomach. There are many ways to treat acid reflux, which is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. The most common ways of treating heartburn in Georgia include medicine and surgery. Before turning to pharmaceutical or surgical cures, however, you may want to try some natural methods. [Read more]

Most people have heartburn from time to time. This burning, painful feeling is experienced in the throat or chest and is caused by stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus. People who have heartburn twice a week or more are often diagnosed with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by their local Georgia doctor. GERD is caused by esophageal muscles that don’t close tightly, which allows the contents of your stomach to enter back into the esophagus. [Read more]



Milk and Heartburn

Posted In: Diet & Reflux By Staff

A lot of people experience the burning sensation in the chest that occurs when acid from the stomach escapes into the esophagus. If this happens on a regular basis, you could have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which can occur when the sphincter that separates the stomach and esophagus does not tighten properly. [Read more]

Stress can cause many changes in the body. It can inhibit weight loss by causing the release of a hormone called cortisol, but can also cause Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), more commonly known as heartburn. The type and level of stress can result in short term acute conditions or more prolonged episodes. Yet along with the level of stress, the type of personality can also have a bearing on how stress affects the body. [Read more]

If you experience constant acid reflux, heartburn, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) then you are all too familiar with the uncomfortable lingering reminder that your favorite foods are off limits. Spicy foods are well known as one of the main causes of heartburn. What is a lover of spicy foods supposed to do, you ask? There are several options to help you have your cake and eat it too; or in this case Buffalo wings.
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