Tag Archives: Heartburn Diet

A big new trend in the diet world is the “gluten-free” diet, which prohibits the eating of foods like wheat, barley and rye that contain the protein gluten. Though a necessity for the gluten-allergic sufferers of a disorder called celiac disease, the gluten-free diet has caught on as another weight loss diet fad, though its potential for losing weight is still highly contested. [Read more]



Raw food diets have gotten a lot of attention in recent years, especially as so many public figures lose weight and overcome chronic heart conditions while following the strict whole-foods diet. However, heartburn is not actually associated with heart health—it is a gastrointestinal concern associated with acid reflux. So, does the raw food diet have a stem to bloom from in the treatment of acid reflux? Not really. [Read more]

Ginger’s spicy fragrance and citrusy sweetness have long been used to make a comforting tea to soothe touchy stomachs. It may also help with heartburn, since the root lessens inflammation. For centuries, ginger has been used for medicinal purposes. This useful herb may provide a welcome relief to individuals with heartburn, as well as serve as a natural remedy for stomach problems, flatulence and the common cold. [Read more]



Many people use coffee as an essential tool for starting and surviving a long day. However, coffee consumers with certain digestive problems might want to avoid the frequent visits to the coffee pot because coffee consumption is linked to indigestion and heartburn in Georgia for some drinkers. [Read more]



Acid reflux is a condition caused by the failure of the esophageal sphincter to properly close. The lack of closure allows acid to come up into the throat from the stomach. There are many ways to treat acid reflux, which is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. The most common ways of treating heartburn in Georgia include medicine and surgery. Before turning to pharmaceutical or surgical cures, however, you may want to try some natural methods. [Read more]



People who have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) experience heartburn when stomach acids flows from the stomach into the esophagus. Acid reflux sufferers may also have a sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness, and a feeling like they have something stuck in their throat. Altering your meals may help reduce or eliminate your heartburn-related Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms. [Read more]