Tag Archives: GERD Treatments

If you experience heartburn during exercise you’re not alone. If the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle is too weak or relaxed, it can trigger Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms like heartburn when you exercise. Certain foods and beverages, such as tomatoes, orange juice, coffee, chocolate, carbonated sodas, and alcohol can trigger exercise-induced heartburn.
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Dining with GERD

Posted In: Diet & Reflux By Staff

Dining out can be a painful experience for people suffering from the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but it doesn’t have to be. Following these simple steps will help you avoid the overwhelming burn of acid reflux. First, knowing exactly which foods trigger your heartburn is essential when making wise menu choices. [Read more]

If you are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and frequent heartburn, the results of a recent Italian study, offering a new twist on dietary restrictions for patients with painful reflux, may be of help. A small study conducted by Italian researchers has uncovered a link between a gluten-free diet and a decrease in GERD symptoms. The study included 29 patients known to be gluten intolerant and on gluten-free diets who suffered from acid reflux and a control group of 30 patients with GERD but no apparent gluten allergies.
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Heartburn happens when acid backs up into the esophagus. Sometimes, frequent episodes or long, chronic episodes of heartburn may indicate a more serious condition known as GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). GERD should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor to avoid potential complications from prolonged contact of the esophagus with stomach acid. [Read more]