Remove Stubborn Fat after Weight Loss

With Non Invasive Procedures for Every Part of Your Body

Introducing the BTL VANQUISH ME™

Using a combination of  ultrasound and radio frequency energies, Dr. Bagnato offers an affordable and convenient solution to the problems of fat pockets and sagging skin after weight loss.

“After weight loss with Lap Band, many patients are left with stubborn areas of adipose (fat) tissue that can generally only be removed with additional surgery. This is a real problem for these folks.  After working so hard to improve their health and appearance only to be stuck with small areas of fat that no amount of diet or exercise will remove,” says Dr. Bagnato. “The BTL technologies give me a clinically proven and FDA approved tool to help my patients with these problems.”

Dr. Bagnato goes on to say, “What I like most about this new procedure is that it covers much larger areas than is generally possible with this type of technology. At the same time it maintains an outstanding safety record.  Basically , the  BTL device uses targeted energy to induce heat in the fat cells, destroying them and reducing fat in the target area. It reduces inches from the abdomen and other areas in a small number of sessions. My patients report no feelings of discomfort.  The results are really quite impressive.”

Safely and painlessly  achieve plastic surgery like results such as:

  • Lift arms and butt
  • Tighten hands and face
  • Sculpt core and legs
  • Smooth cellulite
  • Reduce wrinkles and and sagging skin

Learn more about non-invasive spot fat reduction, wrinkle reduction, and cellulose removal by contacting us today.