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Counting the Fat in Fat

Paying attention to the nutritional labels on food in the supermarket as well as restaurants has been emphasized so much recently that laws are being passed to regulate what information must be included. Knowing the quantity of sugar, salt and carbohydrates is important, but it is just as important to pay attention the fat content of the calories we consume, especially following weight loss surgery.

How much fat should I eat?

The Food and Drug Administration daily requirement of fat should not exceed more than 65 grams in a 2000 calorie diet. Saturated fat should not exceed 20 grams. The number of total recommended calorie intake will vary depending on the level of daily activity or the size of a person, but fat intake should not exceed thirty percent of the total calories.

If you have had Lap Band surgery or other weight loss surgery, your daily calorie intake may vary from the average, but a regular calculator and a couple of numbers will help you determine the right amount of fat that should be in your diet.

Use this simple formula to find out how much fat is recommended in your diet.

First take the number of calories recommended for you following your weight loss surgery. The number may change as you progress along your journey, but the formula remains the same. Multiply your total daily calories by thirty percent.

(1500 * .30 = 450 calories)

In this case 450 is the number of calories from fat that is recommended in your daily diet. Next divide the number of recommended calories by nine. Nine is the number of calories in a gram of fat.

(450 * 9 = 50 grams)

50 is the number of total grams of fat allowed in a daily diet consisting of 1500 calories. Of course, this is a basic guidelines. Dr. Bagnato will give you more insight into your personal dietary requirements, and you should always follow those instructions first.

Simple calculations and paying attention to the nutritional information of the food we eat, whether it is purchased in a supermarket or a restaurant, can make all the difference in weight loss surgery being a success in the short term as well as the rest of your life.


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