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Keep Heartburn Out of the Kitchen

How to cook meals that won’t aggravate acid reflux in Atlanta, Albany or Macon

Cooking tips to prevent acid reflux in Atlanta, Albany and Macon
If you suffer from chronic acid reflux, the question of what to cook for dinner can become quite complicated. After all, most individuals who suffer from GERD have many specific triggers that must be avoided, and may be wary of cooking with other common acid reflux instigators.
Regular bouts of heartburn can make it feel like no meal is safe, but don’t let your symptoms keep you from preparing healthy meals. With a little caution in the kitchen, you can take the stress out of cooking acid reflux-friendly meals, helping yourself stick to the balanced diet that will keep your body healthy and free of the excess weight that so frequently contributes to GERD.
Ready to cook free of heartburn in Atlanta, Albany and Macon? These tips can help you take some of the burn out of your favorite meals:

Fat-Busting Tips

Fatty foods can boost acid production in the stomach while also slowing down digestion, both of which can spell big heartburn trouble. To reduce fat content in your meals, try:

  • Grilling. Fried foods may be staples of the Southern diet, but they should not be staples of your diet with GERD. Grilling your meats will allow the fat to drip away as you cook them.
  • Using low-fat dairy. In recipes that call for milk or cream, use low-fat milk or yogurt instead. You can also use almond milk or soy milk to further reduce dairy fat in your diet.
  • Eating more fiber. By filling your meals with more whole grains and fresh produce, you can reduce the amount of dairy, meat and other fatty ingredients that make it into each dish. A high fiber intake will help you fill up faster on foods that don’t cause heartburn.

Trigger-Trading Tips

The list of potential acid reflux triggers is long, but some of the most common ones can be swapped for less-hazardous ingredients to keep your meals from igniting heartburn. Here are some ways to replace common triggers like:

  • Citrus. Though orange juice is an undeniable staple of the breakfast table, it’s also an undeniable contributor to acid reflux symptoms. Instead of OJ, try serving up apple juice or pineapple juice.
  • Tomatoes. If you’re a fan of Italian food, tomatoes can be a difficult ingredient to skip. However, you can find ways to make Italian favorites like pizza and lasagna without them. Try combining garlic, olive oil and basil to make a delicious pesto sauce, which can be used on both pasta and pizza. You can find pasta sauces made from all sorts of vegetables, like butternut squash.
  • Cheese. High in saturated fat, cheese is a common fatty culprit of heartburn woes, but there are many worthy substitutes. The flavors of cheese imitations made from soy can be quite convincing, or you can try a new spin on mac ‘n cheese by using pumpkin puree. You may also be able to try nutritional yeast, which is full of valuable nutrients and has a flavor similar to cheese, but add this to your diet cautiously—for some, it may cause gas and bloating.

The kitchen can be an intimidating place if you struggle with acid reflux, but the right heartburn-prevention strategies can take the stress out of making a healthy meal. What other cooking tips have helped you deal with acid reflux in Atlanta, Albany or Macon? Share them with us in the comments below.


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