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Guilt Free Holiday Eating

The 5 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve can be a nightmare for someone who’s trying to lose weight. It is possible, however, to survive-and even enjoy-the holidays without gaining weight.

Tips for Enjoying Holiday Eating Without Gaining Weight

Have a plan. Before you head out to a holiday party or sit down for a family holiday meal, decide ahead of time how you’ll face potential weight loss obstacles. Decide to make healthy choices before you’re faced with tempting foods.

Use your plate as your guide. Let your dinner plate help you monitor your portion sizes. Fill half your plate with vegetables and split the other half equally between proteins and carbs. If you have to go back for seconds, stick with fiber-rich veggies to feed your hunger.

Eat before you go. Never show up to a holiday party hungry. If you haven’t eaten in hours, you’re more likely to overeat without considering calories and fat or sugar counts.

Be a picky eater. As you survey a buffet table, pick out your favorite foods instead of sampling one of everything.

Avoid alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with empty calories that offer little or no nutritional value. Common mixers also tend to come with their own faults in the form of extra sugar or fat.

Avoiding weight gain during the holidays doesn’t have to be all about depriving yourself. Instead, focus on being selective about what you eat and be mindful of your portion sizes.

Tips for Enjoying Holiday Eating Without Gaining Weight

The holidays are about friends, family and, in many cases, food. How can you survive the winter holiday season without gaining weight?

Take a break between courses. If you’re eating at a restaurant, ask the server to hold your main meal until you’ve finished your soup, salad, or vegetable appetizers. Allowing yourself time to feel full will make it easier to avoid overeating.

Be a healthy host. If you’re in charge of cooking the holiday meal, prepare a meal that’s healthy for you and your guests. Opt for a sit-down meal with time between courses instead of buffet-style eating. Offer plenty of vegetables as appetizers and side dishes.

Move around. The more physical activity you can fit into your busy holiday schedule, the better. Suggest a family walk to take in the neighborhood light displays after eating and pick a parking spot at the mall that’s farther away from the door.

Defend against food pushers. Some people seem to get offended if you don’t eat everything they’ve prepared, and these people can be quick to assure you that there’s no need for you to cut back during the holidays. Start off by complimenting them before telling them you’re done eating. “I love your pie, but I’m full.” If that doesn’t work, insist on taking what you can’t (or won’t) eat home. Be cheerful but firm and simply repeat yourself until they get the message.

Your effort and resolve will be rewarded when January 1st comes around and you find that you’ve been able to enjoy the holidays without abandoning your weight loss goals.


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