Home » Weight Loss Guide » Stay Motivated to Exercise after Lap Band Surgery

Stay Motivated to Exercise after Lap Band Surgery

Exercise Motivation Tips after Weight Loss Surgery in MaconAfter you’ve healed from your weight loss surgery you’ll want to start slowly easing into a healthy exercise program. However, after living a sedentary lifestyle for a long period of time you may have difficulty finding motivation to get into a workout routine. As you lose weight after LAP-BAND you will begin to feel more confident and hopefully more driven to exercise on a consistent basis.

Here are some easy ways to motivate yourself to work out for weight loss.

Treat yourself to new workout shoes or clothes.

Whether you’re a female or a male, buying some cool new workout shoes or clothes can do just the trick. Simply having new gear can motivate you to use and get moving! You don’t have to buy a whole new wardrobe as you’ll likely be losing a lot of weight and your clothes sizes will change. Stick to buying a new pair of walking shoes or one or two other fitness items so you don’t go overboard.

Be prepared to work out ahead of time.

One of the easiest ways to lose motivation for working out is to not be prepared ahead of time. Chances are you already have a busy schedule so prepare your gym bag or lay out your gym clothes and shoes the night before to save you time. Simple preparation tactics can help you stay on track with your fitness and weight loss goals.

Try a new fitness class at your local Macon gym or health club.

If you’ve already lost significant weight and are looking for a new way to add variety to your otherwise humdrum fitness routine, head to a local Macon gym. Gyms and health clubs offer many fun fitness classes that can rekindle your motivation for working out. A new fitness class could be anything from to Zumba dance fitness or a yoga class. Either way, joining a new class will really help you stay excited about your workouts and you may even meet a new fitness buddy, too.

Make your own motivation box.

At first this may seem silly, but making a motivation box can really help inspire you to obtain your fitness goals during your weight loss journey. Find an old shoe box and decorate it to your liking. Fill it with inspirational quotes or photographs that really supply you with great reasons for working out. You can even ask your friends and family to put their own motivational messages for you in the box. Each day you can pull out one or two motivational pieces to help inspire you to stay on track with your fitness routine.

Of course the biggest motivation will likely be the reduction in weight after your surgery for weight loss, but if you’re feeling a little discouraged or need an extra boost try out one of these simple motivation tactics to put you back on track.



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