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Risk from H1N1 Increases for the Obese

Extreme obesity carries many health risks, which leads many people to consider lap band surgery. Many people throughout the Albany area try to lose weight on their own. However, it is not an easy process and there are times when weight loss surgery is the next reasonable step. Once the risks with being obese outweigh the risks of the surgery, it is time to consider this option. For example, recent research indicates that those who are extremely obese have an increased risk of death due to the H1N1 flu.

A recent study demonstrated that those with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 were almost three times more likely to die from H1N1 than patients in the normal BMI range. Those patients with even higher BMI numbers had an even greater risk of death related to H1N1. Several studies have shown this correlation, and the research indicates that those who are extremely obese and are experiencing influenza-like symptoms should seek prompt and aggressive care. These patients may need intensive, inpatient care to combat the extreme risk due to their obesity.

Medical specialists believe that those with a body mass index at or over 40 should consider getting the influenza vaccination annually to try to prevent these risks of the illness. At the earliest symptoms of influenza, those who are extremely obese should get medical attention as quickly as possible. Early treatment and diagnosis is critical for long-term recovery.

While research continues on the connection between H1N1 fatalities and obesity, the link becomes an additional cause for concern. Extreme obesity carries with it a long list of potential health complications. Working to lose weight to minimize these complications is critical, and for many people lap band surgery becomes a logical choice.


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