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Types of Bariatric Surgical Procedures for Weight Loss

Bariatric surgery involves a number of different types of surgeries to help obese and morbidly obese individuals lose weight. Weight loss surgical procedures can improve serious and chronic medical disorders related to obesity, including high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. Bariatric surgical procedures change the digestive tract to decrease absorption of calories or restrict calories.

Malabsorption vs. Restrictive

Weight loss surgery for obesity is divided into two main categories: malabsorption and restrictive. Malabsorption surgical procedures create a bypass around areas of the small intestine where nutrient absorption takes place. This type of procedure is highly invasive and requires a long and slow recovery. On the other hand, restrictive surgery involves limiting the amount of food that the stomach can hold in one eating session to help individuals lose weight while experiencing much less post-surgical discomfort. Adjustable Lap Band surgery is a type of restrictive surgery, while Roux-en-Y, or gastric bypass combines both malabsorption and restrictive techniques. Lap Band surgery is often preferred to gastric bypass due to the reduced risks, and is available for patients in Macon, GA.

Roux-en-Y (Gastric bypass)

In a gastric bypass procedure, the first part of the intestine, the duodenum, is bypassed. An opening is created in the stomach wall so digestive contents pass through it, thereby bypassing the duodenum. In addition, the stomach is made into a smaller pouch. Most gastric bypass patients see a weight loss over 100 pounds, which levels off in one or two years post-surgery. Occasionally, patients begin to regain the weight that they have lost with gastric bypass. Since this procedure is not adjustable like the Lap Band, a revisionary operation like the ROSE procedure is often necessary to help restart weight loss.

Adjustable Lap Band Surgery

Lap Band surgery consists of placing an adjustable band around the opening of the stomach, and the upper portion of the stomach is made into a tiny pouch. This completely restrictive procedure limits the volume of food a patient can eat. On average, most patients lose about 45 to 75 percent of their excess weight. Adjustable Lap Band surgery has a very low mortality rate.


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