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Tips to Ease into Exercise after LAP-BAND Surgery

Ease into Exercise after LAP-BAND Surgery in MaconYour weight loss surgery was only the first step in what will be an exciting and healthy journey to a more energetic and confident you. Part of creating a healthier mind and body for yourself after LAP-BAND surgery in Macon is engaging and maintaining a consistent exercise routine.

However, if it has been a while since you’ve been physically active or maybe even the first time you’ve exercised, then starting a fitness program can be a bit intimidating. You must remember you’re not alone and you truly can become a regular exerciser with a little time, motivation and effort.

After your weight loss surgery, Dr. Bagnato will advise you to avoid rigorous exercise that involves working your abdominal muscles or heavy lifting to allow your incision and port proper time to heal. Once Dr. Bagnato clears you for physical activity you can initiate what will hopefully be a lifelong commitment to exercise.

Here are a few tips to help get you moving one step at a time after weight loss surgery.

Keep it small and keep it slow. As with any new physical activity, it’s wise to ease yourself in with a moderate approach. You will want to be realistic, meaning there’s no need to do too much too quickly with high expectations. If you do charge into physical activity too fast, then you might set yourself up for discouragement and maybe even injury. Instead, start slow and set realistic goals for yourself. Once you reach your initial goals, slightly increase the difficulty for your next set of aspirations. Keep a steady pace and you will surely become an avid exerciser in time.

Choose an exercise activity that you actually enjoy. When you engage in physical activity you’re doing so for no one else but yourself. Make sure you’re participating in exercise activities that you actually like doing. If you try to do exercises that you absolutely dread then you’ll likely lose interest and motivation to stay on track with your fitness goals. Do what makes you happy, whether it’s walking, dancing, hiking or biking along your favorite Macon trails. Keep your routine interesting and fill your calendar with various activities to keep your routine stimulating.

Remember to stretch before and after exercise. Even if you’re simply walking, your body will appreciate a quick stretch to warm up your muscles beforehand. Once you’ve finished your workout, stretch again to release tension and return your muscles to a state of relaxed tension. Stretching post workout also increases blood flow and circulation to help reduce muscle soreness.

As you ease into exercise expect there to be ups and downs. Your body will take time to get into the swing of consistent physical activity so don’t be discouraged when you have a bad week. Instead, focus on your good weeks and learn from your mistakes to improve your next go-round at increasing your activity. Make sure you stay focused on the big picture and keep your head up no matter what. The payoff in the end will be worth it.

As you gain strength and lose more weight you will realize that your successes with exercise will build on themselves. The more you engage in physical activity, the more you will enhance weight lost after LAP-BAND surgery and feel more confident and healthier.



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