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How to Make and Keep Holiday Fitness Goals

Weight loss and weight maintenance is rarely easy, but the holidays can make it even harder. Holiday parties, an abundance of food, and added stress and activities all make sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine more difficult than ever. But with a little preparation, you can survive the holiday season with your weight loss and fitness goals in tact.

Tips For Holiday Fitness Goals

Have realistic expectations. If holiday traveling and seasonal parties make it difficult to keep up with the same schedule, be flexible with yourself. Do the best you can. Many people take an all or nothing approach to their fitness goals, which makes it difficult to keep making progress when inevitable missteps occur. Set an interim holiday goal of keeping up with half of your regular fitness schedule.

Eat well whenever you can. Always look for healthy options at holiday parties. If you indulge in some of your favorite holiday sweets, resolve to make healthier food choices the next chance you get.

Eat a health breakfast and lunch. Make sure that you’re not skipping these important meals and you’ll be less likely to overeat at evening holiday parties.

Balance good physical health with mental health. Keep your goals realistic and be kind to yourself if you indulge in foods you would normally avoid. Depression can make it more difficult to get back on track, so make a special effort to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

Holiday weight gain is usually the result of people throwing in the towel on their fitness goals over the holidays. Instead, try to practice moderation and make an effort to enjoy the season.


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