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Exercise after Weight Loss Surgery

Following bariatric surgery, weight loss surgeons in Albany, GA agree that exercise is an important component of recovery and an ongoing tool for weight control. If you have had a bariatric surgery such as Lap Band, exercise is now part of your life. However, it is important to begin your new exercise regimen by beginning slow.

To many who have fought being overweight for the greater part of their lives exercise is an anathema. However, to reach and keep your healthy weight goal, a reasonable exercise program must become part of your life. An exercise program includes the following benefits and more:

  • Speeds up metabolism making muscle tone more healthy
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves blood sugar levels

No matter how you view exercising, as a chore or as fun activity you need to exercise to stay healthy. Your weight loss surgery was a foundation for you to build a more healthy life from. Exercise will build on that foundation to keep you healthy. Committed patients must include exercise in their daily schedule.

Before beginning an exercise program, check with the surgeon who performed your weight loss surgery about when you begin you program at home.

When you start your program, start small. Begin with a walk around the block. Over time and with your doctor’s advice gradually increase the distance or time for your walking.

Walking tip: It is better to increase distance, that way you can go at your own pace without “cheating” by walking slower if you increase your walk time.

Although many find walking to be an enjoyable exercise, some folks don’t. Frequently, those who had weight loss surgery look for other ways to exercise. That is fine. The more you enjoy the activity, the easier it is to make it a part of your daily routine. Just be sure that you don’t overdo your program and check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.


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