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After Weight Loss Surgery – Are you Having Fun Yet?

When it comes to being healthy, having fun isn’t often the first thing that comes to mind. Perhaps it should be though. Do you remember running around as a kid? From morning until nightfall, kids run around on the playground swinging, sliding and chasing each other until it is time to go home. If you were to ask a child how often they go and ‘work-out,’ chances are you will get a blank stare. Why is this? Because when you are out having fun, it doesn’t feel like you are working out!

If you enjoy what you are doing, then you are more likely to stay at it. This is true in all aspects of life. Finding a career that you enjoy doing can take the treachery out of going to work every day. Think about how this can translate to achieving your health goals. Talk to your bariatric surgeon to discover fun activities around Macon that will keep you happy and active, and then get together with friends and family to move around more instead of just going to the gym by yourself every day.

Are you looking for ways to have more fun?

One way is to make the most out of where you are living and go exploring! Becoming a tourist in your own city can be a lot of fun, and the expense is so low!

Macon is one of the greatest historical cities in the South. There are over 5,500 historical buildings right here in town, and nearly a dozen historical districts. Our city is home to everything from Native American mounds to African artifacts.

Between all of the museum attractions and historical buildings, there are so many things that you can explore. Instead of walking a few miles on the treadmill, make a day of exploring one region of the town that you haven’t gotten a chance to visit in years. All too often we live in towns that are rich with cultural nuances that we lose touch with until a relative from out of town wants to go exploring.

Here are just a few of the local museums that are worth exploring or re-visiting:

  • Cannonball House and Museum: This Greek Revival mansion was built in 1853 and was hit by a cannonball during Stoneman’s Raid on Macon back in 1864.
  • Hay House: The keeper of the confederate treasury, William Butler Johnston, built the Hay House mansion in the mid-1800s. Inspired by European mansions, this historic home considered to be the most advanced antebellum building in the U.S, and is filled with Civil War history.
  • Ocmulgee National Monument: Just across from the Ocmulgee River, this landmark is home to 12,000 years of Native American heritage and a colonial British trading post.

You don’t need to go far to have fun in your home town. Enjoy Macon by being more active and having fun as you lose weight!



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