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Pain-Free Meals for Acid Reflux Sufferers

Pain-Free Meals for Acid Reflux and Heartburn in Macon and AlbanyIf you suffer from heartburn and acid reflux, deciding what to eat can become pretty frustrating. When so many foods have the potential to cause discomfort, every meal can seem like a minefield, making it a challenge to plan each bite.
Dr. Bagnato can offer some useful suggestions on what foods to avoid and will discuss your options for acid reflux surgery to correct the damaged valve that is allowing the backsplash of acid into the esophagus. As you consider surgical options, learning your own personal triggers can be a big help in keeping symptoms under control.
Dietary triggers are highly personal, so the following examples below won’t be right for everyone. Be sure to follow any advice given by Dr. Bagnato and steer clear of your triggers.
If you’ve been at a loss about what to eat with acid reflux, try some of these suggestions on for size:


Many breakfast foods are filled with fat, which is a huge problem for reflux sufferers. Fried eggs, bacon, pancakes covered in butter and bagels slathered in cream cheese—these can cause serious heartburn, so it’s best to stick with something leaner.
Your best option may be a bowl of cereal with skim or soy milk. Cereals that are high in fiber can help you keep your digestive system on track, while many are also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. You can also add some fresh fruit, but be sure to avoid citrus, which is a huge reflux trigger. Skip the orange juice and caffeinated drinks like coffee.


Again, it helps to keep things low-fat. Try a sandwich on whole grain bread with a lean meat like turkey and fresh, low-acid veggies like lettuce and cucumber. You can also eat a salad with a low-fat vinaigrette dressing—just be sure to leave out the tomato. Drink water or herbal tea, as the carbonation and caffeine of soda can cause discomfort.


Here, the way you cook your food can cause as many problems as the food itself. Grilling, microwaving, steaming and baking are often best, as frying and sautéing can add fat to your meal. Try grilled chicken breast and a baked potato topped with fat-free sour cream, or whole wheat pasta made with fresh veggies and pesto sauce instead of marinara or Alfredo.
At every meal, you’ll want to limit fat and avoid triggers, but it also helps to keep portions under control. Eating too much will put pressure on your stomach, increasing your risk of heartburn and acid reflux.


3 responses to “Pain-Free Meals for Acid Reflux Sufferers”

  1. Manuel Cevallos Avatar
    Manuel Cevallos

    I have been diagnosed with Barrettes and gastritis. Will surgery improve my situation and help with the bad acid reflux problem I am enduring ?

  2. Sharon Woody Avatar
    Sharon Woody

    This I have learned..my doctor wasn’t much help..I am 64 and have a hiatal hernia since my late 20’s…what happens now is my valve cuts completely off and smothers me!..It is awful and I writhe in the bed!!..trying to breathe!!..I sleep on a wedge..I live on Medium and have for years!..I am trying to get a doctor to repair this…no help down here in Corpus Christ Texas..my husband found a doctor in San Antonio who may do this surgery…I hope

  3. Merrick bolden Avatar
    Merrick bolden

    Could you email a meal list for people with gerd. My question to you is, can i sneak a cheeseburger every now an then.

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