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How to Control GERD While Travelling

Everyday life can be exhausting, which is why many people enjoy taking vacations. However, even vacation can cause headaches of its own. This is especially true if you regularly experience GERD or heartburn. In order to fully enjoy your time off, heed these tips for managing heartburn while you’re away from home.
Be sure to pack any medication that you think you might need while you’re away from your Warner Robins home. This includes anything from heartburn medication to aspirin to allergy pills.
When you’re travelling, you are often resigned to eating out. By planning ahead you can avoid the symptoms of GERD. Avoid your known trigger foods by packing snacks. When you arrive at your destination, locate a market or grocery store and purchase some of your favorite foods. You can also plan ahead by researching restaurants online to find dining options that will not aggravate your symptoms.
In order to avoid the symptoms of heartburn, it’s best to sleep with your head elevated. Ask your hotel to supply you with an elevated bed or stop by a local pharmacy and purchase a foam board. If neither of these are a viable option for you, try bringing your own pillow along for the trip so that you know you have an extra.
To minimize heartburn, engage in low-impact activities such as walking or a round of golf. You’ll get your exercise in without aggravating your GERD.
Stressful situations lead to heartburn. Inevitably, you will experience some stress while you’re travelling. In order to avoid problems, don’t overschedule your trip and remember that the purpose of your vacation is to relax.
Dealing with GERD can be difficult enough while you’re at home, but travelling can compound the problem. By planning ahead, you can avoid heartburn so you can fully enjoy your time off. Taking time off is vital because it helps reduce stress in your everyday life. If you want to avoid reflux surgery in the future, it’s vital that you take care of yourself both at home and on the road.


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