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Count Your Steps Away From GERD

Fight Acid Reflux and GERD One Step at a TimeDon’t let your day be interrupted by heartburn and acid reflux. Macon is a beautiful city ready to be explored. Grab a pedometer and head out for a walk!

Have you ever noticed the amount of math involved in being healthy? You are counting the calories you are taking in, subtracting the calories burned off and trying to add hours to your day so you can go to the gym. Now the surgeon general wants you to count 10,000 steps every day, which adds up to how many steps you would take walking briskly for 30 minutes daily. With all of this counting, when are we supposed to go about our regular business?
Possibly the best invention since the calculator, a simple pedometer can make all of this counting a lot easier. And now, there are smartphone apps that act as pedometers too, except that in addition to counting your steps your phone can also calculate how fast you are moving, how many miles you have traveled and based on your weight how many calories you have burned. What a great way to take a load off your mind and your waist line!
An Australian team of researchers recently asked how beneficial a pedometer is on weight loss efforts, and it turns out that seeing numbers climb on your handheld device while watching numbers plummet on the scale is a good form of weight loss motivation. Among adults over the age of 65, those who wore a pedometer every day increased their weekly activity by over an hour, while those who did not wear a pedometer but tried to exercise more only increased their activity by 30 minutes.
Increasing your exercise can help you lose weight and alleviate the frequency of acid reflux and heartburn. However, a lot of intense exercises like running or weight lifting can sometimes make acid reflux a bit worse. That is why low-impact, relaxing forms of activity like walking are such a great option for GERD patients. By taking a walk you can burn calories, lose weight and ease heartburn pain. Those are benefits worth counting.
If you haven’t gone for a walk in a while there is no reason to fret. Macon is full of beautiful parks and historic scenery that you can enjoy while you work towards your 10,000 daily steps.

  • Ocmulgee National Monument: This historic park is located right here in Macon, standing as a memorial to the natural resources and Native Americans that are such a rich part of Georgia’s history. Two Civil War battles took place on the grounds of this park as well, making it an interesting and educational place to take a long stroll.
  • Wellston Trail: Located just outside of Macon in Warner Robins, this is a wide, paved trail that is a great walking spot for you and a few friends. You can even bring along a child in a stroller, wagon or on a bicycle to enjoy this walking trail.

You don’t need to go to a park to walk around more. By wearing a pedometer you can count the amount of steps you take every day while walking around the office, running errands and cooking dinner.


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