personal responsibility means no more excuses

Whether you chose to lose weight and get healthy through healthy eating and exercise or through gastric sleeve surgery, being responsible for your own actions is vital. It is important to own up to how you became overweight in the first place, including getting past the excuses and blame. The sooner you take personal responsibility, the sooner you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Making Excuses is Not Personal responsibility

It is human nature to make excuses for just about anything in life, from struggling to eat the right foods to finding time to exercise. If you have ever told yourself you can’t exercise because you’re too busy or your work schedule is too hectic for eating right, you are definitely not alone. However, when you get into the habit of excuse making, you are only hurting yourself. Push the excuses aside and start placing responsibility on yourself to make changes.

Putting the Blame on Others

Another common behavior seen in people struggling with weight loss is placing blame on other people or situations. You may blame your parents for not providing healthier options to eat while growing up, blame school or work for your busy schedule, or blame your spouse for not working out with you. Like making excuses, this behavior hurts yourself rather than helping. By learning how to avoid the blame game, you have a much higher chance of attaining your weight loss goals.

What is Personal Responsibility?

Personal responsibility is a means of focusing on yourself and your own actions, including the following:

  • No longer blaming other people or situations for your weight.
  • Coming to terms with the fact that you are the only one in charge of what you eat and what your daily lifestyle choices are.
  • Being honest about your own strengths, talents, and abilities.
  • Focusing less on external factors, like blame and excuses, and more on your own choices.

Why is it Important?

While it may seem like focusing on these external factors helps you deal with your weight and lifestyle choices, it is actually more detrimental than it is helpful. If you desire long-term success with weight loss and a healthier lifestyle, you need to take personal responsibility for your actions. By doing so, you empower yourself, are more in control of your choices, and avoid relying on others to help you change your life.

Personal responsibility is important regardless of your weight loss strategy choice, whether that’s weight loss surgery, developing a new fitness routine, or simply throwing bad eating habits to the curb. Working on yourself first can help you get to the weight and health you want.

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