Exercise before bariatric surgery to jump start your weight loss

Getting physically active will help prepare you for weight loss surgery and your life with your gastric sleeve. Remember, improved health going into surgery can help reduce the chances of complications during the procedure and recovery. When you exercise before bariatric surgery, you will also assist you in the transition to a healthier lifestyle after the procedure.

There are many easy ways to incorporate low-impact exercise into your day. Start slow and add more activity as you start to feel more comfortable. Work toward getting some kind of exercise every day.

Simple Ways to Exercise Before Bariatric Surgery

Here are some ideas to help you exercise before bariatric surgery:

  • Water aerobics: You can try swimming, marching in place, walking from one side of the shallow end to the other, or doing squats in the pool. Because it’s so low-impact, water exercise is particularly beneficial for those who experience joint pain.
  • Walking: This is one of the most convenient ways to exercise. If the weather’s nice, try walking around your neighborhood. You can walk for just 10 minutes at several different points in the day, or you can try to do 20 to 30 minutes all at one time. As you walk, try to see how many houses or stores you can pass and work to increase that number by the date of your surgery. If it’s cold out, you could walk around the mall or use a treadmill if you have one.
  • At-home exercise: Aside from being convenient, one of the greatest advantages of getting physical activity in the comfort of your home is that you can work at your own pace without worrying about the people around you. Try exercising to a fitness DVD or television show for beginners, or find ways to get exercise while doing the things you normally do. For example, why not do a little tidying around the room while watching your favorite show? The key is to try to move as much as you can, and pairing movement with things you enjoy can make exercise a little easier. If you have limited mobility, look for an exercise program or DVD that’s geared toward exercises you can do while sitting.

You’re not expected to begin a rigorous fitness program right away. Again, start slow and work your way toward more exercise, and always follow any instructions given by doctor Bagnato regarding physical activity.

If you experience any of the following symptoms while you exercise before bariatric surgery, stop immediately and contact your doctor:

  • Chest, arm, or neck pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
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