Bariatric Surgery Support Groups Make the Difference

After weight loss surgery, support is vital to your success, and it comes in many different forms. Friends and family members (even those who have never struggled with their weight) and other weight loss surgery patients will become invaluable for providing Bariatric Surgery Support as you move through surgery, recovery, and subsequent weight loss.

Family and Loved Ones

Your family and friends can offer you tremendous support after surgery. First of all, your friends and family care about your health and well-being and will most likely be more than willing to help you get healthier. Second of all, your loved ones are the people who know you the best. They may be able to recognize when you’re struggling and may know some ways to help motivate you.

The more the people who are close to you understand about your weight loss goals, your procedure, and what’s required of you maintain weight loss, the better they’ll be able to help support you. Encourage them to do some research or attend any seminars, support group meetings, and doctor’s appointments with you.

Unfortunately, you may encounter friends who are not able to be supportive of you. Perhaps they’re overweight and miss a time when you would eat with them, or perhaps they just don’t understand why you made the decision to have weight loss surgery. In any case, you may have to distance yourself from these people if they can’t or won’t try to understand your situation.

Bariatric Surgery Support Groups

Weight loss surgery support groups are a wonderful resource because they’re filled with people like you who struggled with their weight, had weight loss surgery, and have gone through the resulting changes. These people truly know what you’re going through because they’ve been there, too. During support group meetings, patients like you share stories and advice, and there may even be a medical professional there to address specific health-related questions. Ask your surgeon about support groups in your area and online support groups.

Your Support of Yourself

Perhaps the most important post bariatric surgery support you can receive is self-support. Try positive, reinforcing behaviors like keeping track of your diet and exercise activities. Not only does this help keep you accountable to yourself, it can also be very motivating when you look at your progress and see how well you’re doing. Also under the category of self-support is allowing yourself to admit when you need the help of others. While your role in your own weight loss after surgery is crucial, no one expects you to go through the journey entirely alone.

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