Bariatric surgery increases your likelihood of experiencing weight loss success by reducing hunger. With this major obstacle out of the way, you can make a series of healthy choices and engage in positive behaviors that will help you reach your weight loss goal.

About Weight Loss

Long-term weight loss requires a combination of dietary changes, increased activity levels and a positive attitude towards a healthier way of life.

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery is the most successful method of long-term weight loss available. It is considered a valuable form of therapy for the treatment of obesity. Sleeve surgery is the safest form of weight loss surgery available.

Losing weight can reduce your risk of developing obesity related diseases, including:

  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Acid Reflux and GERD
  • Sleep Disorders

The Weight Loss Diet

To lose weight you need to reduce the number of calories you eat daily. However, you cannot cut calories at the expense of nutrient intake. By making healthy food choices, you can maximize the amount of nutrients you eat without overdoing it on calories.

Start following a healthier diet by:

  • Eating whole foods, including lean protein sources, fruits and vegetables
  • Avoiding highly processed foods
  • Cutting out foods that are high in sugar and fat
  • Only eating when you are hungry and avoiding emotional and situational eating triggers

Becoming More Active

In addition to cutting calories through your diet, you can burn calories by becoming more active. This includes initiating more planned exercise opportunities, as well as increasing your level of activity throughout your normal day.

Walking is an especially healthy activity to start with after weight loss surgery. In addition to walking more at work and around the house, try going for short walks in your neighborhood to burn more calories.

Making Psychological Changes

Your attitude will play a big role in your weight loss program. Instead of focusing on things you can’t have or shouldn’t do, focus on the health benefits you are experiencing. As you work on making physical changes to your body, consider ways you can boost your mental health.

This may include:

  • Managing stress in healthier ways
  • Managing time more efficiently
  • Eliminating negative self-talk

Making Environmental Changes

Your home, your work and the places you visit frequently have the potential to affect your weight loss efforts either positively or negatively. Set yourself up for long-term success by making healthy changes to your environment.

You can do this by:

  • Clearing unhealthy snacks out of your home and workspace
  • Staying away from fast-food restaurants, bakeries and other tempting eateries
  • Socializing in ways that don’t involve food

When you make the decision to lose weight, you’ll need to make a few basic changes to your current lifestyle habits. Following a weight loss plan without initiating long-term change will make maintaining a healthy weight level challenging.

  • Understanding the Glycemic Index
    Carbohydrates are one of the six essential nutrients. Despite common talk about avoiding carbohydrates for weight loss, our bodies require them to thrive. Carbohydrates contain sugar. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks down that sugar and absorbs it into the cells with the help of a hormone called insulin, where it is then converted to fuel and used for energy.
  • Reasons to Consider Weight Loss Surgery
    Getting weight loss surgery is a choice that can have a major influence on your health and quality of life for years to come. The conversation surrounding weight loss surgery may come up at the advice of a doctor, after seeing a friend who was successful in their weight loss efforts or maybe after a series of frustrating weight loss attempts.
  • Managing Special Occasions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Every time you turn the corner there is another fast food restaurant or bakery loaded with its own temptations, and you do what you can to stand strong and stick to your post-bariatric diet plan.
  • Healthy Shopping Strategies for a Healthy Household
    When one person in a household gets weight loss surgery, it is actually common for other members of that household to lose weight too. This is called a “halo effect.”
  • Making Healthy Food Substitutions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Approximately six weeks following weight loss surgery you’ll start making the gradual transition back to a whole-foods diet. This is an exciting period for many people. After weeks of gaining sustenance through liquids and soft foods, being able to enjoy a regular meal is something to look forward to.