Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You

Bariatric surgery has been demonstrated to provide the longest lasting, most easily sustainable weight loss of any method of weight management currently available. Most obese individuals have tried traditional and even not so traditional weight loss methods, all with little to no lasting success.

The disappointment and self doubt that ensues with each diet failure often leads to a desperate effort to find something – anything – that will work.  For the severely overweight,  research shows us that traditional weight loss methods are , for the most part, only temporarily effective. 

Bariatric Surgery is Life Changing

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing experience that helps you achieve weight loss and health goals that, up until now, have been out of reach. But change is not always easy, and you’ll find that the amount of weight you lose after bariatric surgery depends on your willingness to alter not just what you eat, but many of your thoughts and behaviors as well. Before you begin with your weight loss surgery, you must first decide if you’re willing to make these changes. Areas of your life that may have to change are:

  • What you eat and how you eat. Portion control is an important part of any weight loss plan, and because the size of your stomach will be reduced, it’s especially important after weight loss surgery. In order to get a handle on proper portion control, you may need to actually measure them until you get the hang of it. Your meals will be smaller, and it’s very important that they pack a nutritional punch so that you’ll get all the nutrients your body needs.
  • Your level of physical activity. Exercise promotes overall health, helps maintain weight loss, and can improve your metabolism. You can start slowly, then work your way up toward more exercise as your body becomes used to it.
  • Who you surround yourself with.Because successful weight loss requires a solid commitment, it’s important to do what you can to stay motivated. Friends and family members can be a great source of positive reinforcement and motivation, but if you find that some friends are unsupportive of or uncomfortable with your weight loss goals, you might need to distance yourself from them.

Long-Term Success

The changes required for long-term weight loss success can be difficult, but most people find that the resulting health and self-esteem benefits are well worth the effort. If the thought of all of these changes is daunting, think about how much better you’ll feel once that excess weight starts to come off, especially if you currently suffer from obesity-related health problems. Also, keep in mind that, if you and your doctor decide that weight loss surgery is the solution for you, you’ll have the benefit of professional guidance throughout the process.

  • Understanding the Glycemic Index
    Carbohydrates are one of the six essential nutrients. Despite common talk about avoiding carbohydrates for weight loss, our bodies require them to thrive. Carbohydrates contain sugar. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks down that sugar and absorbs it into the cells with the help of a hormone called insulin, where it is then converted to fuel and used for energy.
  • Reasons to Consider Weight Loss Surgery
    Getting weight loss surgery is a choice that can have a major influence on your health and quality of life for years to come. The conversation surrounding weight loss surgery may come up at the advice of a doctor, after seeing a friend who was successful in their weight loss efforts or maybe after a series of frustrating weight loss attempts.
  • Managing Special Occasions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Every time you turn the corner there is another fast food restaurant or bakery loaded with its own temptations, and you do what you can to stand strong and stick to your post-bariatric diet plan.
  • Healthy Shopping Strategies for a Healthy Household
    When one person in a household gets weight loss surgery, it is actually common for other members of that household to lose weight too. This is called a “halo effect.”
  • Making Healthy Food Substitutions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Approximately six weeks following weight loss surgery you’ll start making the gradual transition back to a whole-foods diet. This is an exciting period for many people. After weeks of gaining sustenance through liquids and soft foods, being able to enjoy a regular meal is something to look forward to.