According to the CDC, one of every three adults in the United States is obese. This current crisis goes far beyond a quality-of-life issue and is now a massive health care issue for the more than 78 million Americans going about their daily lives and dealing with unwanted weight gain.

What’s the Cause of All This Weight Gain?

It hasn’t always been this way, but it is now a large-scale problem, as there has been a drastic increase in obesity in the United States. So where is all the weight coming from?

The fact that weight gain is on the rise throughout the United States and the world is the result of a collection of factors, rather than one sole event. Whether it is high carbohydrate intake, night-time eating, drive-through restaurants, working at a sedentary job, or some other culprit, there’s more to the story than one source of concern.

Common Theories Regarding Obesity

There are quite a few theories about where the weight is coming from. There is a combination of factors that may not be the same for everyone. These are a few of the more common culprits:

  • Increased consumption of sugary foods and drinks
  • Shifting focus to high-fat foods
  • Widespread consumption of convenience and fast foods
  • Overeating: Because junk or processed foods aren’t as nutritiously dense as healthy foods, your body craves more food to get the nutrients it needs. This leads to overeating beyond the comfort food or “tastes good” factor.
  • Eating more processed foods
  • Lower price of “bad” foods compared to the more expensive price of foods that are good for you
  • Working at sedentary jobs and the changing work climate: Americans are moving away from manual labor and, as a result, burning fewer calories on the job today than in the past.
  • Inadequate sleep: Poor sleep can lead to increased food cravings and hunger.
  • Consuming more calories
  • Failing to take off all holiday weight gain

All of these work together to create a perfect storm of events that sets the environment for slow and steady weight gain. Fortunately, weight loss success is possible through lap band bariatric surgery, coupled with a healthy lifestyle that includes eating right and exercising. Combining medical intervention with a healthy lifestyle, individuals who are obese can reduce the risks of developing weight-related diseases and conditions.

  • Understanding the Glycemic Index
    Carbohydrates are one of the six essential nutrients. Despite common talk about avoiding carbohydrates for weight loss, our bodies require them to thrive. Carbohydrates contain sugar. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks down that sugar and absorbs it into the cells with the help of a hormone called insulin, where it is then converted to fuel and used for energy.
  • Reasons to Consider Weight Loss Surgery
    Getting weight loss surgery is a choice that can have a major influence on your health and quality of life for years to come. The conversation surrounding weight loss surgery may come up at the advice of a doctor, after seeing a friend who was successful in their weight loss efforts or maybe after a series of frustrating weight loss attempts.
  • Managing Special Occasions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Every time you turn the corner there is another fast food restaurant or bakery loaded with its own temptations, and you do what you can to stand strong and stick to your post-bariatric diet plan.
  • Healthy Shopping Strategies for a Healthy Household
    When one person in a household gets weight loss surgery, it is actually common for other members of that household to lose weight too. This is called a “halo effect.”
  • Making Healthy Food Substitutions after Weight Loss Surgery
    Approximately six weeks following weight loss surgery you’ll start making the gradual transition back to a whole-foods diet. This is an exciting period for many people. After weeks of gaining sustenance through liquids and soft foods, being able to enjoy a regular meal is something to look forward to.