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Determining if Your Weight Loss Goals are Realistic

Rules were meant to be broken. Goals, on the other hand, were meant to be achieved. If you set weight loss goals that are too difficult to achieve, you’ll set yourself up for a world of hurt and disappointment. So how do you know if you’re setting realistic goals?

Realistic Goals Aren’t Easy-They’re Achievable
Goals that are realistic are not necessarily easy. If a goal is easy, then it isn’t really a goal, it’s simply a to-do. Each of the goals you set for yourself should require some effort from you, but not a Herculean effort.

Realistic Goals are Sometimes Simple

Simplicity is good for a lot of difficult aspects of life. When you keep routines, goals, and deadlines simple, you make them easier to achieve and more effective than their clunky counterparts.

Realistic Goals Move You Toward Your End Goal

While realistic goals may make getting to your final goal take a bit longer, they’ll always help move you toward that end. The desire to achieve a goal quickly can make slowing the process down frustrating, but don’t rush it-you’ll get there

Realistic Goals are Based in Reality

Setting goals for a future you has to take the current you into account.  Relying on willpower that you don’t have or eating behaviors you don’t posses places a reachable goal out of reach.  Not because the goal wasn’t achievable or simple enough or even appropriately paced, but because you didn’t have the tools necessary to make it all work. When you suspect that success may hinge on skills you don’t have, that’s when you turn to support groups or expert help. With a little help, those goals that have eluded you will come within your grasp.


2 responses to “Determining if Your Weight Loss Goals are Realistic”

  1. michelle Avatar

    I think it is important to set realistic goals, but instead of only focusing on the number on the scale try to find other goals that tie into weight loss. Waist circumference for instance, measure your waist once a month and make a goal to try to lose 0.5inches in a month along with 6 lbs on the scale. If you don’t reach one maybe you will reach the other which is still encouraging. Other goals could be to see your cholesterol drop 10 points, or walk a mile in 15 mins. Just make sure your goals are measurable so you can know you are reaching them.

  2. Amy Grasman, FNP-C Avatar
    Amy Grasman, FNP-C

    Setting goals are important and I agree, setting realistic goals is key. Lets all remember that we have obtained our “bad habits” over many, many years and while we work hard at correcting those habits, it doesn’t happen overnight. Keep up the good work!

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