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After Bariatric Surgery, Think Outside the Scale

After Bariatric Surgery in Albany or Macon, Think Outside the ScaleThe scale may be frequently on your mind after bariatric surgery in the areas surrounding Atlanta, but thinking about it too much can be frustrating. Even with the more rapid pace of weight loss experienced following bariatric surgery, unrealistic expectations can interfere with your ability to stay positive and motivated about the experience. If you’re hoping for drastic changes in the scale every day, you may find it moving much slower than you like.

Because the scale can sometimes hurt your motivation more than it helps, it’s probably not the best ally during your weight loss program. Your bariatric surgeon will ensure that your weight loss stays on track with regular weigh-ins, so there’s no need to discourage yourself by stepping up on the scale every day. Instead, it helps to measure your progress in other ways that prove how substantially your lifestyle and body are changing for the better.

It’s best after bariatric surgery to keep your eyes off the scale and stay focused on improvements in your:

  • Physical abilities. Frequent exercise and a healthy diet will help your body do more than just shed excess pounds. As you lose weight, you’ll notice yourself becoming more capable of performing every physical task from work to play. Your energy levels, stamina and strength will steadily improve, helping you do everything with greater efficiency. You’ll notice your progress most easily as your body adapts to more challenging tasks in your exercise routine.
  • Compliments. Because you spend every day in your own body, you might not notice minor changes in your appearance, but your friends and family members will certainly note how they add up over time. Spend some time with people you haven’t seen in a week or two and you’re likely to get a few comments about how different you look. Remarks about how much better you look or how much energy you have are evidence that your efforts are paying off.
  • Emotions. Obesity can affect the mind just as much as the body. Years of living with excess weight can leave you low on self-esteem and confidence, but you may find your outlook improving as you lose weight. As you become more comfortable in your body, you can note your thoughts and feelings in a journal, which will help you track your emotional state and embrace the positive attitude you’re developing.

Remember: the scale is generally not the best way to measure the countless improvements you’re making after bariatric surgery in Atlanta, Macon or Albany. How else do you remind yourself of the positive changes you’re making as you lose weight? Tell us in the comments below.


One response to “After Bariatric Surgery, Think Outside the Scale”

  1. betsy hughes Avatar
    betsy hughes

    none of my clothes fit – after the 104lbs ive learned the importance of leggings and long t-shirts – thats about all ive worn since my journey started and i guess they’ll still be the wardrobe staple until i hit my weight-loss goal.
    mentally, this is just what i need…my self-esteem has gone up a ways with the weight ive lost already, but when i see a reflection of myself in a window or the mirror and i see how there’s so much more work to be done…in size ive come from a 30-32 to an 18, but i still have to shop the plus size clothes department and that can be a reminder of what i still look like – a work in progress….and someday soon i’ll hit my goal weight and that in itself will be amazing. i cant think of a present id enjoy more than fitting into a size 10. maybe and 8 – im so ready…

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