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Lap Band More Reliable than ‘Magic Bullet’ Weight LossWhy getting a Lap Band in Macon is more reliable than pursuing the ‘latest and greatest’ advances in weight loss medication.

The recent release of the first FDA approved weight loss medication in over a decade has prompted quite a conversation about the best ways to lose weight. The newly-approved medication is called Belviq (lorcaserin) and is being received among dieters and some weight loss specialists as a long-awaited cure to obesity.

What these proponents are not emphasizing is that the weight loss drug only delivers between three and five percent loss of your body weight. That means that if you weigh close to 300 pounds then this weight loss drug can help you lose somewhere between nine and 15 pounds. For those who are working hard to overcome obesity, that amount of weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.

Lap Band Weight Loss Results Better

While the new weight loss drug is being recommended for those who are considered obese, or who have a BMI over 27 and are coping with obesity related health conditions, the small amount of weight loss that this pill can supply is not enough to make the drastic changes necessary in an obese person’s life.

The release of Belviq has prompted further discussion of the seriousness and prevalence of obesity in the United States, with approximately two-thirds of the U.S population either overweight or obese. However, it is unrealistic to think that taking a pill will cause you to lose weight without any difficulty.

While the weight loss drug may prove to be a successful way for obese individuals to lose weight prior to undergoing a weight loss surgery procedure, it is not a solution for obesity in and of itself.  Once participants stop taking the medication the weight returns, so in order for this medication to become part of a long-term weight loss solution it is necessary to commit to taking it indefinitely.

Lap Band surgery offers much more efficient weight loss results, with many patients losing up to 50 percent of their excess weight within two years after surgery. For those who are struggling with severe amounts of extra weight, this is the kind of weight loss change that it takes to transition to a healthier lifestyle. Losing between three and five percent of your body weight can improve your health by decreasing your risk of diseases like type-2 diabetes, but that is only the start of a much longer process.

Don’t get caught in all of the hype surrounding the new weight loss medication. While it is good news for some that the FDA has taken action to provide more support for those who need to lose weight, it is unrealistic to think that any new drug can provide instant weight loss results.

As you are trying to lose weight, remember that there is no magic cure for obesity. Hard work, dedication and healthy changes in your diet and exercise habits will take you far—especially when they are enhanced by the support of your Lap Band surgeon.


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