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Why to Shop at the Farmers’ Market after Bariatric Surgery

Why to Shop at the Farmers' Market after Bariatric Surgery in Albany or MaconUnder the bright blue Georgia sky, baskets brim with fresh fruits and vegetables, covering dozens of stands set up by the farmers who grew the produce sitting before you. All manner of artisans, agriculturalists and enthusiastic shoppers are milling about, discussing everything from sustainable growing practices to the weather. The food is fresher than what you’d find at the grocery store and it’s cheaper; and the festive outdoor atmosphere has everyone in high spirits.

If you’ve never been to the farmers’ market, this is what you’ve been missing out on. Though you can shop anywhere for the foods recommended by your bariatric surgeon, there are some very compelling reasons to buy your groceries at a local farmers’ market, including:

  • The Fun. The farmers’ market attracts more than just farmers. Especially at big markets, you’re likely to find craftsmen, musicians and other customers who make it feel more like a fair than a simple trip out for groceries. Bring the friends and family along to share the experience.
  • The Food. Farmers’ market produce is often grown organically or with other methods that make it fresher, juicier and more delicious. Some of the fruits and veggies you buy may have been picked that very morning, but the prices can still be lower than at the average supermarket.
  • The Knowledge. At the grocery store, we may pass up unusual foods because we’re not sure how to use them, but at the farmers’ market, the vendor is right there to offer advice. The farmers are usually friendly and open to questions—they may even recommend a recipe that helps you use their produce in the best way possible.

Farmers’ markets are a more convenient shopping option than many people realize. In most places, markets run once at least once a week, while others keep hours similar to a regular grocery store. If you’re ready to give the farmers’ market a try, head to one near you like:

  • The Macon State Farmers’ Market – Among farmers’ markets, this one has unusually extensive hours—it’s open seven days a week from 6 am to 10 pm. Head to 2055 Eisenhower Parkway in Macon to check out its vendors, nurseries, bakers and butcher shop.
  • Downtown Farm Market – If you live in or near Albany, this may be your best bet for fresh produce. It’s open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 4pm at 106 N Washington Street in Albany.

Do you know of any nearby farmers’ markets that deserve a mention? Tell us about them in the comments!



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