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Cut Sugar and Salt to Lose Weight

Cut Down Sugar and Salt to Lose Weight after Bariatric Surgery in MaconWhether you’ve just had bariatric surgery or you’re looking to lose a few pounds before your Lap-Band procedure, there’s no better time than now to start programming your mind to think healthily. Chances are it’s been a while since you’ve had to actively think about what foods you are eating and how they’re affecting your body, but after bariatric surgery healthy decision making should quickly become second nature.

To help jumpstart your mind into a healthy way of thinking, there are several tricks you can employ to make healthy adjustments one step at a time.

Let’s start with two of the staple ingredients in many processed unhealthy foods available today, sugar and salt. Consuming excess sugar and salt is bad for your health and for your weight loss efforts, too. Despite sugar and salt’s natural abilities to flavor the foods we love, there are ways to limit your intake without sacrificing taste.

Here are a few easy ways to help cut down on your sugar and salt intake for a healthier you.

  1. Wash it away – According to The American Diabetic Association’s Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, rinsing canned vegetables or other products such as tuna or beans can reduce their sodium content by 40 percent!
  2. Add flavor to fresh veggies in a healthy way – Instead of piling on excess salt and seasonings, flavor your veggies healthily with a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil, fresh squeezed lemon juice and only a pinch of salt and a dash of plain pepper before cooking.
  3. Fresh twist of thyme – Eggs are a natural source of protein and are a great addition to any healthy diet when eaten in moderation, however many people load them up with excess salt for flavor. Instead, sprinkle a tiny amount of dried thyme into your eggs while preparing them and you will be less likely to reach for the salt.
  4. Freshen up your cereal – Many cereals available today are loaded with unnecessary sugars for flavoring. You don’t have to abandon sweetness if you buy a healthy cereal, just sweeten it in a healthier way. Add a tiny bit of cinnamon or throw some fresh fruits like blueberries or apricots into your cereal or oatmeal for a fresh sweet taste.
  5. Flavor rice without salt – Many healthy rice products tend to be bland in flavor, so add some dimension to your brown rice before you begin to boil. Try incorporating a cinnamon stick or a sprinkle of cardamom or ginger into your pot of rice instead of using salt to flavor it once you’re done cooking.

These are just a few ways to help you cut back on sugar and salt without compromising flavor. By reducing the amount of sugar and salt you consume you won’t have to worry about spoiling your weight loss efforts. For more tips on how to cut back on unhealthy ingredients and foods before or after bariatric surgery, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Bagnato.



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