Priscilla, Deborah, and Evelyn are three PRIME examples of how well Lap-Band works for long term weight loss. They are sisters, who have all lost a significant amount of weight with their Lap-Bands. Between the three of them, they have lost over three hundred pounds, and they are still seeing the amazing results. Evelyn was the first to have surgery, and she completely turned her health around and became an inspiration to her sisters. Her surgery was done on June 21, 2011. One of her major accomplishments was coming off of most of her 19 medications. Since losing weight with the Lap-Band, Evelyn now enjoys her healthy lifestyle, “I feel good about what I am doing for myself. I have replaced negative thoughts with positive ones. I love the new me. I look forward to many more healthy years.”
When Deborah and Priscilla saw how well the Lap-Band worked for Evelyn, they decided it was time for them to make a change as well. Deborah had surgery for her band on May 25, 2012. She was surprised about just how easy the surgery went. She was able to have surgery on a Friday, and went back to work the following Tuesday. With the help of the Lap-Band, Deborah was able to win her lifelong battle with her weight.
Priscilla was in a lot of weight related pain prior to her surgery. She tried everything she could to lose weight on her own to no avail, and eventually got her Lap-Band on September 27, 2012. She now lives pain free and loves to shop for cute clothing she had never been able to wear before. All three sisters agree that in losing the weight with the Lap-Band they have gained their lives back. They are healthier and happier now then they have been in years.
Surgery Date:
Evelyn – June 2011
Deborah – May 2012
Priscilla – September 2012
Start Weight : E-300 D-214 P-300 BMI: E- 55 D-35 P-50
Current Weight: E-160 D-150 P-200 BMI: E-26 D- 24 P-33
Total Weight Loss: >300 lbs. altogether