I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. This includes most of my childhood. I’ve tried multiple diets and failed at reaching a healthy weight. Diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, joint problems…the entire army of weight related problems run in my family. I knew that if I kept going at the rate that I was going, that I would eventually succumb to one or all of these diseases myself. So far, I only suffered from asthma and joint problems. When I stepped on the scale in 2008 and realized that I carried 325lbs on my 5’2” frame, I knew that something had to change. At the same time, I just didn’t want to start another diet and fail.
I started researching bariatric surgery. At that point I had only heard of gastric bypass, and the thought of having such an invasive surgery scared me to death. I had not even heard of the Lap Band. But once I stumbled on to it, researched the procedure, and attended one of Dr. Bagnato’s Lap Band seminars I knew that this was the surgery option for me.
My family was initially not thrilled with the idea. I immediately began getting the “You’re fine just the way you are” and the “If people don’t love you for the way you are, then you don’t need them” speeches. Being in the medical field I knew what my weight was doing to my body. Most importantly, the problem wasn’t that other people didn’t love me…it was that I did not love myself. My family always supported me and told me how proud they were of me. I was the first person in my immediate family to attend college (on a full scholarship at that). I even made it through veterinary school and became a licensed veterinarian. I’d accomplished so many things, but I still felt like a failure when it came to my health and weight loss.
Getting the Lap Band has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself. I’ve successfully lost 125lbs so far. My quality of life, my overall enjoyment of life, and my health have changed dramatically for the better. I just feel so much better. It feels so fantastic to know that I have done something so positive for myself. I no longer feel that I am failing myself. Now that my family has seen what the Lap Band has done for me and how happy that I now am, they are glad that I had the surgery even though they were cautious about it at first. They constantly compliment me and tell me that they can’t believe how good I look and how active I am. One of my cousins is even schedule to have her band placed this year!
I’ve had a few bumps in the road as I’ve learned how to utilize the band for the tool it’s supposed to be. However, I will still tell anyone that my most challenging days while being banded are still a thousand times better than my best days when I was not banded. I would recommend the Lap Band to anyone. I recommend Dr. Bagnato, his staff, and the nurses at the Bariatric Institute to anyone considering weight loss surgery. Although I haven’t quite reached my goal weight yet, I am confident that I will with the aid of the Lap Band. I love my band. Most importantly, I now love me!