Mandy S: LAP-BAND Surgery

mandy weight loss success

My name is Mandy S. I am 36 years old. My journey started in 2012. I had decided at pushing 300 pounds, something had to be done. My sister told me about the commercials for Palmyra Surgical and Dr. Bagnato that she had seen on TV. I gave them a call. Everyone was so nice and helpful. Little did I know that soon after that phone call, my life would change forever.

Three and a half years later and 155 pounds lighter, I couldn’t be happier. I have more energy. I don’t get nearly as short of breath. My joints don’t hurt. Most importantly, I CAN KEEP UP WITH MY KIDS! I would not change anything for the world! I am so appreciative of everyone at Palmyra Surgical for keeping me motivated and helping me to get where I am. I would tell anyone thinking about having surgery, that it’s not easy. It’s hard. You have to be motivated and compliant, but the end results are well worth it. I love you guys! You rock!!

Patient:   Mandy S.

Surgery Date:  March 2012

Start Weight:  300       BMI:  50

Current Weight: 145   BMI:  24

Total Weight Loss:  155 lbs

*Surgical weight loss results vary between individuals depending on initial weight, existing medical conditions and adherence to prescribed treatments. Speak to Dr. Bagnato about the results you can expect.


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