Ann S: Gastic Band Surgery – Dr. Bagnato and his staff are the best

Home » Patient Results: Bariatric and Reflux Surgery » Ann S: Gastic Band Surgery – Dr. Bagnato and his staff are the best
ann weight loss success

In 2002 I was 275 lbs., depressed, and desperate. I had literally tried everything. I had always been a heavy child, and always the heaviest girl in my class. I weighed 200 lbs. when I graduated high school. Two years after that when I was 20, I married the love of my life. I have always had his support and love no matter my weight. After having our second child in 1994, I took Adipex and other weight loss drugs. The weight fell off! I dropped all the way down to a size 8. Life was great, but the day I stopped the diet pills, the weight started coming back on. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I had great success then failed so miserably. I had a huge monkey on my back. I felt alone and helpless, even contemplating suicide.

I started looking into weight loss surgery, and began to believe it was the only hope I had left. I began to investigate the different types of procedures, and the Lap Band seemed like the safest route to take. After talking with my family and close friends, and praying a lot, I decided to go for it. Dr. Bagnato was in Albany at the time, so I made my appointment, and never looked back. It was a life changing decision for me, and the best decision I have ever made for myself. Getting the weight off was a journey. It feels wonderful to say I have reached my goal weight, and then some. I have been maintaining my current weight for years now. I love being able to go in any store and shop!

In closing, I hope my journey will inspire you! You can do this, I did! Dr. Bagnato and his staff are the best. Best wishes to every one of you on your own journey. You will be changing your life for the better. No regrets here!

Patient:   Ann

Surgery Date:  2003

Start Weight:  275lbs       BMI:  42

Current Weight: 162lbs   BMI:  24.6

Total Weight Loss:  101lbs