Ann: LAP-BAND Surgery-I have lost 100 lbs. It feels so good

Home » Patient Results: Bariatric and Reflux Surgery » Ann: LAP-BAND Surgery-I have lost 100 lbs. It feels so good
Ann Lap Band Surgery

I am so excited to share my weight loss story with everyone. After being overweight all my life and trying diet after diet I decided to have the Lap Band Surgery. I had my surgery on March 22, 2012 and as of May 2013 I have lost 100 lbs. It feels so good to see the progress. I have more energy now than I ever remember having. I now workout 3 days a week and walk the other days. I tell everyone my goal is to be in better health by the age of 50.

Surgery date: March 2012

Start weight: 338 BMI: 47

Current weight: 238 BMI: 33

Total lost: 100