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Sleep Apnea and Bariatric Surgery

Sleep apnea is a dangerous and life threatening condition that affects many bariatric surgery patients before surgery. When one has sleep apnea, they are unable to breathe properly when they sleep because their throat becomes constricted by fatty tissue and restricts the flow of oxygen into the lungs. Sleep apnea sufferers will be afflicted by loud snoring, gasping or choking for air during the night, and even periods of time without breathing.

Studies have found that sleep apnea most often occurred in obese patients. This is likely the reason that bariatric surgery, and its corresponding weight loss, can result in resolved sleep apnea.

In 2008, the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that bariatric surgery can reduce or cure the symptoms of sleep apnea in some people. They did this by following and testing 24 patients (75 % of which were women) with sleep apnea one year before and after bariatric surgery. The journal also mentions that some patients, even after substantial weight loss following bariatric surgery, will still have sleep apnea and should treat it using a continuing positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. In their studies, a total of six patients were still in need of CPAP.


One response to “Sleep Apnea and Bariatric Surgery”

  1. I was never diagnosed with Sleep Apnea but my husband said i did a very good job of snoring him right out of the bed @ night. i have even woke myself up snoring. Since my lapband My husband says i do not snore anymore and he is glad to have a full night sleep.

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