Dr. Bagnato is one of a handful of surgeons in the United States trained to perform the TIF Esophyx Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) surgery.
TIF Esophyx has been used successfully in Europe since 2006. After being approved by the FDA for use in the United States, the device is now in its third generation. It has proven helpful for long-lasting relief for GERD sufferers.
TIF Esophyx provides relief for sufferers of esophageal reflux using incisionless repair of the natural antireflux barrier. Using specially designed scopes and instruments, Dr. Bagnato makes the valve repair orally while the patient is under general anesthetic.
TIF Esophyx surgery is similar to the more traditional laparoscopic antireflux surgery called a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication because it reconstructs the weakened flap valve at the junction of the stomach and the esophagus. Unlike typical surgical repair, Esophyx is performed through the mouth, so no incisions are required through the skin or stomach. The result is a procedure with fewer potential complications and a faster recovery time.