Cellvizio for Barrett’s Esophagus

Dr. V. John Bagnato Performs Cellvizio, a New Diagnostic Technology for Barrett’s Esophagus

cellvizioV. John Bagnato, M.D., has recently — and very quickly — become the largest user of Cellvizio, a unique technology to diagnose Barrett’s esophagus, a complication of acid reflux disease. Cellvizio imaging technology uses a microscopic camera and minimally invasive procedure to help Dr. Bagnato come to an accurate diagnosis quickly, often without the need for a biopsy and long wait for laboratory results. Cellvizio is quick, accurate and requires no lengthy recovery time.

About Cellvizio

Cellvizio is the smallest microscope in the world. It is an advanced imaging technology that produces microscopic images of tissue instantaneously. Using a minimally invasive technique, Cellvizio helps Dr. Bagnato see the cellular changes that occur in Barrett’s esophagus. He can then take biopsies and determine how advanced the disease might be. This revolutionary imaging technology enhances Dr. Bagnato’s ability to diagnose a patient’s condition and offer the best possible solution sooner and more effectively than traditional medical imaging tools.
Cellvizio generates an optical biopsy, which is a method that uses light at various wavelengths to diagnose disease without physically removing the tissue from the body. The system utilizes simple pattern recognition; light reflecting off a cancer cell projects a different pattern than a noncancerous cell, for example. This simple approach facilitates improved decision-making and better patient management.
With Cellvizio, Dr. Bagnato can suggest a course of treatment more quickly and with more confidence. Patients no longer have to “watch and wait” before receiving treatment.
Cellvizio helps surgeons detect a variety of medical conditions, including:

  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Biliopancreatic strictures
  • Colorectal lesions
  • Gastric diseases
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Lung nodules
  • Pancreatic cysts
  • Urinary tract lesions

 Benefits of Cellvizio

Cellvizio modernizes how surgeons perform imaging tests and revolutionizes the patient experience. The Cellvizio approach offers a variety of benefits for both the patient and the doctor, as this imaging tool:

  • Reduces the number of unnecessary biopsies and biopsies of healthy tissue.
  • Enables surgeons to make on-the-spot therapeutic decisions.
  • Improves treatment outcomes for the patient.