Tag Archives: Exercise

When lap band surgery is completed, it is important to follow the instructions of a medical professional about the exercise that is appropriate. Even though it may not be possible to engage in aggressive exercise routines immediately after completing the surgery, it is still important to exercise regularly. After your body has healed, it may be possible to gradually increase the exercise until you have formed a new and healthy habit. [Read more]

According to a study published in the European journal Diabetologia in July 2014, increased physical activity and decreased sitting not only helps people lose weight, but it can prevent obesity and decrease the risk of weight-related diseases. In fact, people who have a sedentary lifestyle and are not physically active are four times more likely to become obese than people who have opposite lifestyles, the study reported. [Read more]

Exercise is recommended for just about everyone, but there are situations when checking with a doctor before engaging in activity is necessary. People with certain conditions such as heart or kidney disease, diabetes and especially those recovering from surgical weight loss should always consult a physician before taking part in strenuous activities. [Read more]

Just after bariatric surgery in Albany or Macon, fitness will probably be fairly new to you. It takes time to adjust to regular exercise and the early days of your routine will be full of challenges and sore muscles. But after a while, the same workouts will not produce the same results—to continue improving your fitness you’ll need to continue upping the intensity and find ways to make your exercise time more productive. [Read more]

Though a gym membership can be a valuable tool after bariatric surgery in Albany or Macon, there may still be many barriers between you and getting a good workout. Long stressful days, unexpected circumstances, stormy weather—all of these things can make it difficult to get to your gym, but skipping workouts isn’t an option after bariatric surgery. [Read more]

Following bariatric surgery in Albany or Macon, exercise will need to become an integral part of your life. Many people commit to 30 minutes of exercise every day in an effort to boost their activity level, but 30 minutes isn’t enough to counteract 23.5 hours of sedentariness. To really improve your health you need to begin integrating activity into all aspects of your life. [Read more]